Yes, the holidays are behind us. Therefore, the number of snowbirds has increase. The number of people looking to move their car south has tripled in the last week. Therefore, more cars means limited space for everyone. what this means is price increase on cars heading south. There has been an increase of 100 dollars or more
since the 1st of Jan. All must customers are locked in so I can’t raise he price so I stuck with it. I had a number of people call me last week their car was suppose to be picked up and had no shows brokers not answering their phones or e-mails. Why because they book a month of two ago for a low price of 700-750 then broker has to take their fee of 100-150 dollars which brings it down to 600 dollars. That vehicle is not going to move in a million years right now as cars are going for around 800 dollars posted loads. So their is going to be a lot of people out of luck and will have to drive or pay more money.
I tell my customers your car will get their I have never asked for more money ,never not showed up, took a deposit and didn’t give back, run a credit card before the vehicle was on the truck, never not answered a e-mail or phone call.
The one thing I ask my customers is to have patience you will get your car. This week I had an incident with one of my trucks he was in PA heading to Mass on the way side of the road getting his trucked fixed and a lady driving a ford explorer plowing right into the back end of the trailer. The vehicle flipped over and the driver help the lady out of the car. 

As you can see there was damage. Therefore, we are behind schedule. Remember this is after a holiday so people are taking time off which will cause a delay.
Then the other day we had temps at minus 8 with the wind chill it was something like minus 28 these big trucks don’t like cold weather and sometimes the trailer don’t go up and down to load cars(things freeze will cause a delay). Then the next days we get 2-3 inches of snow which can cause issue moving a 10 car rig around all it takes is someone to crash into you or the driver slides into a telephone pole then their is big trouble. As you can see things happen in this business. IF A BROKER OR CARRIER CAN GUARANTEE YOU A PICK UP OR DROP OFF DATE IN THIS BUSINESS. I WOULD HANG UP THE PHONE AND NEVER CALL THEM BACK. They will take your deposit and you will never hear from them again.
The bottem line is that if you don’t have patience I’m not the company for you so please keep on looking as I don’t want your business. thanks