What Is Auto Transport Bill Of Lading

What is  auto transport Bill of Lading.Bill of Lading (BOL) is often a term you find within auto transport and other freight style industries. The term talks about the means for which employees in the industry are able to track their daily movements. To explain in a more simplified manner:


A Bill of Lading can be broken down into two words. First we all know what a bill is. It is a piece of paper that outlines the costs for services or products rendered. Lading or lade is specific to the type of product or service. In a transport company it means “cargo loaded onto a ship or other form of transport.” So you see it is a pretty simple concept. Any time an item is shipped such as a vehicle a bill of lading must be filled out to signify what is being transported and for how much.

For auto transport companies the bill of lading is received when they get to the vehicle to load it on the trailer or carrier. It will tell the driver what to expect. They will know the exact destination, the time they must have it to you, and any other conditions that apply. By receiving the bill of lading the driver can verify with the company all of the information regarding the contract the consumer and company have agreed to. In this case a bill of lading is a document of identity.

The most important part of the Bill of Lading in the Auto Transport business is that it marks anything wrong with the car i.e dents, scratches, scraps etc before it it loaded onto the transport truck. You will get a copy of it on pick up and when they drop off the vehicle check to make sure there is no more damages on the vehicle. If there is damages please put them on the Bill of Lading (take pictures if you can). You must pay the driver the balance of the transport to get your car. Then contact the broker and discuss the issue with him.

Newenglandtoflorida.com can help you with all your auto transport questions and needs

auto shipping questions

questions for auto transportCar shipping can be an extremely frustrating experience therefore you must have a lot of auto shipping questions. So many things can go wrong. For example, you car can be shipped to the wrong location, it can arrive with damages and/or the cost of shipping may fail to remain as it was. In addition, the arrival of your car maybe delay for days or weeks. In summary, you need to ask a few questions before you decide to ship your car with that company. Therefore, it is important for you to ask yourself, “What are some key questions to ask a car shipping company?” Here are some of these questions.

– To Begin With, You Need To Ask For A Price Quotation From The Shipping Company.

Prices vary across car shipping companies due to a number of factors such as the capacity to haul cargo, the expertise the company has in this industry and the type of cargo you are carrying. Common price factors include distance, prevailing fuel costs and wages of laborers. This is why you need a quotation from the company. It will help you to compare prices with other companies and so choose the option that best suits your financial capability. Please get a shipping quote from company in writing

– Secondly, You Need To Know How They Will Ship Your Car.

There are different methods of shipping. Each of these methods can either put your car in harm’s way or prevent it from being damages. You therefore need to know which method of storing and shipping your car the car company intends to carry out. For example, an open trailer method of hauling cargo across the seas exposes your car to the destructive effects of Mother Nature. Answer these few basic questions to get a better handle on the type of company you are dealing with and you will be in good shape!

Move Vehicle across the U.S.

transport across U.S.

The time that your car is in transit will be dependent on a number of factors, including the origin and destination, time of year, and the actual truck that will be shipping your car. When you get quotes from auto transport companies, you should also ask about estimated shipping time. The following are common time frames for shipping between different parts of the country.

East Coast to West Coast – typically 5 to 14 days
Midwest to East Coast – typically 3 to 7 days
Midwest to West Coast – typically 3 to 7 days
South to the North – typically 3 to 6 days

Sometime Carriers have to stop and pick up and drop off vehicles. They do not make any money when the truck is empty.