Entries by Jim Belletete

Snowbird Season Almost Here

When the cold weather  starts to drop the snowbirds start thinking about heading South. As the seasons starts a couple of things to keep in mind. When setting up an order with me you will have 2 choices door to terminal and door to door. The prices I give you will move your vehicle  in […]

Researching Companies

I write this Blog so I can help people understand the transport business as most customers have no idea how much is involved. People call me  asking for a quote all the time. All they care about is the price and dong very little research on a company. All it takes is 5 minutes to […]

Summer Months

All my snowbirds made it back. I had one incident but took care of it and both customer were happy on the outcome. In the summer months I run new cars to dealership all through Mass, New Hampshire and Rhode Island. We also run Florida trips during the summer. For customer looking to find someone […]

Transport Reviews Website The Truth

A lot of people go to this website to find out about companies. I’m amaze how many people get a quote and say the company is great. Believe me a lot of these post are fake. They have friends write them or the company does it. If these companies are so good why are they […]

Snowbird Season Is here

Yes, Easter has gone by and a number of my customers are heading back to cold weather yes we got about 5 inches of snow on April 4th and it was cold. Prices are starting to go a lot higher the last week or so. Remember the lowest quote is always the best as your […]

Terminal service

As the snowbirds get ready to head home for the spring a couple things I have learned over the years. Terminals are very important to my business. In the spring there is about 2.5 months everyone is trying to get home and the traffic is a mess. A driver can tell a customer he is […]

Customers Beware of Internet Quotes

This is happening all over the internet and customer are calling telling me they got scam. Read Below remember anyone can get a nice webpage and start working. ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION UPDATE*** Recently the transport industry has been flooded with a number of wholesalers, posing as legitimate transport companies. You see them all over the internet […]

Snowbird Season and Carrier’s Insurance

Yes, snowbird season is here stated in late September. My customers are heading down to be the nice cold winters up here. A couple of things remember delivery times are not guaranteed in this business a lot can happen going south truck break down, customer cancel needs to find more cars, traffic, weather and the […]

Feels like Summer

Yes we are getting a heat wave this first week in Sept 2015. Looks like prices are heading north right now. There are 285 cars within the next 3 days heading from New England to Florida. What does that mean only the highest price one will get picked up. I usually start my snowbird prices […]

Summer Time Is Coming To An End

I know summer time is getting close as some of my snowbirds call or e-mail looking to move their car in Sept. Most head down starting  in Oct. I probably have around 100 snowbird customers so each year it’s growing. My prices are not the cheapest in the business but not the most expensive either […]